Thursday, March 19, 2015

Inherent Risk Law in New York State is Badly Needed

It is stunning to me that New York is one of only five US States that does not have an inherent risk law to protect horse business owners and horse owners in general.

Each year a bill is presented to the State government and each year it is buried by politicians who are heavily lobbied by organizations and individual lobbyists paid for by affluent lawyer dollars. The huge division between NYC attorneys and the rural Upstate New York horse farmers interests is keenly felt. Why does rural NY always draw the short stick? Perhaps because we don't come together and organize our voice? While it is easy to procrastinate and say the almighty dollar rules the government, it is also true that many bills have been signed into law just through the determination and hard work of a few who unify our voices and send echoes down the halls of New York State government offices that resonate with a majority.

So I guess about now many of you are saying," Well, that's OK. let's leave it to someone else. I don't have any direct interest in this bill. I don't have the time. " Please think again.

The lack of such a law significantly affects the New York economy in a highly negative manner. Many horse related businesses seek refuge in neighboring states and that is where the millions of dollars of income stays put. This means jobs, folks. Serious numbers of jobs.

This affects everyone that is in the horse industry and many in the poorer Upstate region that provide related services such as truck tires and repair services, marketing and website development, lumber suppliers and quarries, construction firms. restaurants and hotels to name but a few. Whether you are a direct or indirect participant with a horse related business this affects you.

As a direct participant, such as an amateur rider taking a few lessons this affects your pocket. Every lesson you take, every time you are around anything remotely horsey you will be paying more for the experience or service because horse business owners, the majority of which are small business folks, have to pass along at least some part of their most major expense, insurance. If the insurance bill was smaller, these businesses would have more available income to spend on ancillary services and development.

Tourism is also negatively impacted as trail rides and horse events and exhibitions are stymied by the ever increasing insurance costs. New York is a beautiful state and one of the best ways to explore it for adults and kids alike is on horseback. Horse farms keep our environment rural and green. Who can't get on board with helping to preserve that.

So please folks go give some support to a tough few that have the foresight to get a lobby going, with petitions and social media and everything they can to see, that this Bill gets a fair shake this time around. The opportunity is indubitably made more possible with the 'resignation' of Mr. Silver.

It is incredibly important to write a snail mail letter and if you don't have time/energy to draft it yourself you can easily download them from our article right here in Catskill Horse or visit facebook and download the files from the group
 ( you'll find them in the top menu bar next to the search feature).

Please do your bit. You can seriously help get the message to our representatives that this matters and it will help every horse owner in the State.

You can also visit New York State Horse Council and the Farm Bureau website who both support this legislation to learn more.

1 comment:

  1. Let's make this happen. For all of the horses and the riding barns, pony clubs and other countless equine organizations in NY State. This is long overdue.


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