Saturday, June 8, 2019

This Retiring From Horse Breeding Thing

When you produced the horse in the first place and have kept it for the past 8-9 years and taught it all it knows it is hard to sell it. 
The first hours of Gambol's Middernacht's life

As the two mares we have still to disperse due to our retirement stand quietly munching hay in their stalls out of the hot midday sun, it is so tempting to give in to the notion of breeding them and forgetting about the need to retire from so much horsey activity.

This Spring I did miss the anticipation and thrill of new foals hitting the ground. Imprint training is rote to us at this point, and being there for mares that you aided giving birth to years before, is fabulous because you know each other so well. 

I confess to having a lackadaisical attitude to the whole marketing process. I have only advertised them on Facebook pages, Catskill Horse, Equine Now and just gave myself a much needed kick in the pants and added a guaranteed ad to I though the guaranteed ad was a good one, as I am hopeless and remembering to renew ads and so the horses are probably off the market more than they are on. Pretty ironic when my other job is in PRMarketing and I have a long history in the horse world with much experience in selling international calibre horses.

If I'm being honest, I suppose my poor management of the mares' marketing comes down to not really wanting to sell them at all. But I must shake off that nonsensical idea. As I approach a 'big' birthday in the Fall I realize that hubbie and I are not as young and energetic as we used to be. Our lifestyle has evolved over the years and presently involves more coaching and clinic giving than competing. Having pregnant mares at home, scheduling the vet visits for AI and checks, waiting anxiously for foals to arrive is not practical for us anymore.

When I factor in my parents living far away across the pond, and the necessity and wish to travel as frequently as possible to England to visit them, the time to just do as you please with horses at home is even more limited. Asking folks to farm sit babies is a much harder thing to handle than asking them to watch over adult horses.
Extravaganza WVH ( Lusitano Briosso x DWB Gambol's Georgy Girl)

So as I resist the temptation to take up the offer of another breeding to the beautiful Briossi Lusitano from my good friend in Jerez via frozen semen, and watch our young colt struggle to control himself in the barn around the seasoning mares, I'll give myself a pat on the back and a good talking to about getting on this marketing machine.

Of course next up is finding a med/wide saddle to fit one of the mares that is ready for saddling..always something!
A goofy photo of Gambol's Middernacht aka Midi after her 4th longe lesson of 2019

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