Monday, September 16, 2024

Professional Horse Trainers Halt Video/Photo Recording



There is a new movement afoot in professional horse training circles to restrict videography and photography - to contain the message or conversation of the horse trainer's private process and progress working with horses. Folks may ask what are they hiding?

Training horses means taking full responsibility for their well-being. Exuberant behavior in the horse should be expected and his joyful attitude celebrated not subdued but it must for safety's sake sometimes be curtailed or contained.



There will be misunderstandings on both sides of the partnership. Both horse and rider will make mistakes. How much should you push your horse and when? Some horses will help you decide by giving an emphatic 'No' to your requests. But others are more vulnerable. It is essential as a trainer to protect those horses that can't or don't say, " No!"

When out and about giving clinics, hubbie Paul and I often see riders that are simply trying to hard to make things happen. The horse will (in most cases) simply shut down. I don't believe that horses are unwilling to work unless they lack understanding of the task or don't have the physical or mental wherewithal to complete the ask. And it should be an ask, not a threat or a punishment. But there are also those very special horses that will give their all and not stop giving even if it costs them physically or mentally.


As a trainer of horses you must be disciplined. And not just by following a schedule and turning up for work, but also by not allowing emotion to cloud your judgement. Just as temper and impatience has no place in training a horse, neither does over-zealous activity born of an emotional high that makes us keep asking for more and more effort from our 4-legged partner. 

If we are training our horses correctly the majority of the process will go smoothly. But there will be bumps in the road. Moments when 1500 lbs of horseflesh put us in danger. Moments when we must be proactive in how we react and read a situation. A preemptive strike or rather action.

This new pattern emerging among professional horse trainers to not allow video or photography at their stables or training clinics is gaining hoof hold. 

I have long held the belief that video and photography should be limited to the rider's use and not held for publication online. Moments of training taken out of context can easily be misread and there are an increasing number of armchair critics that frankly have no clue what they are talking about. 

Also trainers wish to protect their knowledge to some degree. It is a profession and they earn a living charging for their services. Why should they share it for free unless they wish to do so?

What do you think about a trainer who won't let you record what you see on recording devices and allow you to share openly online?



Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Horse Lifestyle on Steroids - Barndo Delights and Best Laid Plans

Everything does not always go to plan when it comes to horse property development. As I've learned, and many other equine owners have too.

Willowview Hill Farm North

When you buy a piece of open land to begin building your horse farm there are many options to choose from to accommodate the housing needs of  horses and humans. Like many other equine aficionados I was hit with the brilliant idea of combining the two types of housing for what was to originally be our second farm WVHN (Willowview Hill Farm North) designated for our horse breeding business. 


Horse-breeding at WVHN have transpired...

As my husband and I explored the possibilities for the thoughtful development of the south-facing open tillable fields, we determined a multi-use building (now commonly referred to as a Barndo) was the answer. 

Our design was slightly different to some, in that it wasn't a total condominium second level style human living space set above stabling below. Instead our structure would be fronted with a two level human housing structure, with the stabling running out behind it with an airy two story height.

We located an architect and engineer and after a frustratingly long period they executed the design and the sets of plans finally arrived. Off we went all abuzz to the local Building Inspector to gain permits and approval for the build. 

BUT a major mix up occurred as to intended use, and the all wooden structure was determined not sufficient for public/commercial use and steel rafters/trusses were supposedly required. This use was not our intention, it was to be a private facility. Something was evidently lost in translation. The Building Inspector later admitted to us he was reading the wrong book!

But, nonetheless, as a result of this error these Barndo plans were shelved. Or rather rolled up and tossed aside. It all ended up just as well. 

During this time we had weekended at the property in our 'trainers' RV, (a rather lovely new motorhome we had recently purchased that we used to commute to Florida each year for our dressage training). During these visits where we hauled horses back and forth and built paddocks, finished up stabling and a barn bathroom and office, we had already come to love the Upstate land of our intended 2nd farm location so much, we decided to move to it full-time and to sell off the WVHS property.

With a family of 5, including three teenage children, we figured we might prefer a residence plus a horse barn as this was to be the main home, rather than building a combo unit after all. 

A decision I might add, I do not regret overall. However, I do wish we'd built the multi-use structure and lived in it while we built the house rather than spending two years with the teens living the 39' Class A motor home on the property. 

Upstate winters are no joke especially at the elevation where the property is sited in the Catskill Mountains. And RV's are simply not built to handle it. Much fun was had navigating it all I have to say. A daily use of a hairdryer to defrost bathroom taps; a cold daily walk in a bathrobe to and from the barn to use a larger shower than the RV offered, that we had sensibly built in the barn bathroom; and an extra large propane tank attached to the RV that required frequent fill-up for heat and cooking needs, where the delivery driver was always given a fried egg on a roll sandwich and a hot coffee to keep him warm in the snow while he completed the operation. 

Winter fun!


And options for local houses to rent during the construction time were shall we say, 'limited' and we would not have been on site for the build. 

Being on site to receive and to keep building supplies secured ultimately became very necessary as we actually ended up also building the house ourselves with our own four hands too. 

This was due to the fact that no local builders could be found to complete the construction of the house. Every time we sent our plans out for quote they'd come back with the builder saying there was either an element they didn't know how to build, like a staircase or balcony so would not be included (sounded a bit silly), or could not manage the timeline (2 years out maybe i.e. they didn't want the job it was too big for most) or finally the last straw when a contractor that we decided to go with quoted one price and then when we got to contract signing they elevated the pricing significantly saying, "I misspoke." All very funny looking back at it. 

We are very happy we built it ourselves and it has been a fabulous journey. Not without its ups and downs of course. But that's a whole other story. Suffice to say the Building Inspector told us it was the house to be in neighborhood wise if a hurricane struck, because we had overbuilt all aspects. And that, he told us, was his only issue with it. A fine compliment of which we are quite proud.


Building the house was a family affair at times..but mostly just hubbie and I

Before all this transpired we had reached out to the company that had already constructed our new indoor arena, and we had quickly contracted them to build us a separate matching horse barn. 

Meantime my husband learned a very complicated CAD program and began designing the house. We were not keen to waste time with another long wait using engineers and architect. Armed with some first hand construction experience over the years having constructed several horse barns with our own four hands quite literally at our first farm, we were confident we could complete the plans. We commissioned some guidance from an engineer that we located in Cooperstown, NY, a wonderful older gentleman, and hubbie spent a solid 3 months working at the dining room table drafting the house plans. Between of course running another business, riding/training/breeding horses and caring for the needs of the two-legged members of the family. Quite the challenge, and looking back, I don't know how we managed it.

This all occurred over two decades ago, and building materials and options for Barndominium buys have come a long way since then. The full on Barndo lifestyle is unquestionably a horse lover's lifestyle on steroids. It would have been perfect for us in the above situation. Especially as time was of the essence for moving the kids through High Schools and today we could have simply ordered one up and had it delivered in less time than those original plans took us to attain. 

A modular style Barndominium purchase would have seen us all set up and ready to go in a matter of days following delivery, and with a multitude of choices for style, sizes and designs, we could have crafted it to complement the existing indoor arena in color and materials. 

Perhaps later we could have used it as staff quarters, guest house needs, adult kid and family space or even Airbnb'd it or rented it out. Or as it turned out, it would have been useful to offer to my elderly Mom as a space of her own following the loss of my father.

But, the modular Barndo wasn't available then. And the reality is that though the RV cost then as much as a Barndo would today, the choice we made was one that seemed our best option at the time. The value of the RV of course declined precipitously after purchasing it new, where the Barndo would of course increased in value. Oh well. Too late now.

The delights of Barndo living are clearly widely embraced by horse folks, and the designs have come a long, long way from the historic use of Hunting Boxes or prior centuries when it was a necessity to live alongside animals for their security and warmth. 

To-day's Barndominiums offer a versatility and lifestyle all its own, and it's well worth taking a look.


Horizon Structures delivers modular barndominiums nationwide

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Get Out And Trail Ride The Beautiful 26 Mile Catskill Scenic Trail


The wonderful world of trail riding is a great place to get out and actually train your horse, as well as perfect for just relaxing and spending time with your equine partner and equestrian friends and family. 

In our neighborhood here in the beautiful Catskill Mountains of New York, there is lots going on (learn more about that here!)  and horsey lifestyles are certainly one of them, along with attractions such as rental trail horse-riding locations and the highest caliber professional horse trainers in specific disciplines such as showjumping, reining and dressage that include national and international level equestrians. 

So truly, the region is further developing into a horse-oriented area alongside its base as a traditional farming community with lots of fantastic benefits of rural lifestyle living. 

The 26-mile well-kept Catskill Scenic Trail, has an interesting history as a train route. Today it is a tranquil and pretty route that folks from all walks of life can enjoy. It winds provocatively through quaint villages, vintage farms and archways of tree lined dappled light and is an asset to the community.

The Catskill Scenic Trail is open to all to use, and has some convenient off-road locations to park up your rig and saddle up to hit the trail if you aren't lucky enough to live within hacking distance of the 26 mile adventure. 



The route runs from Roxbury, NY on Rt 30, through to Bloomville, NY on Rt 10, traversing through many farms and private landowners properties of both big and small acreage, and meanders through villages such as the 'Queen of the Catskills' and this author's hometown, Stamford. 

There are lots of convenient places to grab an ice-cream or a cool beverage or even hot breakfast. And at one rather cool place, Catskill Junction in Stamford, a thoughtful ownership even offer a water bucket for the horse as well as a canteen fill up for the equestrian.

Stamford's summer activities are fairly extensive, from the prized golf course at Harmony Hill Road to the Summer Concert Series on the village green, there is plenty for other family members to enjoy if they are not interested in the horse side of life.

At present the trail owners/management have withstood the barrage of requests to open the trail to motorized equipment keeping it safe for pedestrians and equestrians to enjoy. Many local residents use it for dog walking or fitness running. Only in winter are snowmobiles granted access. 

The advent of ATVs/UTVs/SXS or motorized bikes being granted access is always a double-edged sword and would likely forever impact and change the peace and quiet and safety that can be enjoyed there. So kudos to the team that manages the trail for sending out a survey and adhering to the preferences of the majority who apparently wish to see it kept as a peaceful trail of scenic beauty and value its merit without traffic.

Certainly aggressive tires of vehicular traffic would muddy and rut the trail, as well as likely cause a nuisance to the landowners alongside the property and upset other peace seeking users and neighbors alike with their noise and fast pace. And its possible that motorized vehicle users would soon become bored with the trail and wander off on private property, which might necessitate the trail being fenced where it runs through private lands or start driving on Town roads in areas where ATV/UTVs are not allowed to run on the road.

There are always moves afoot to gain a hold of the trail use for other pastimes. Privately run clubs like the 607 Riders offer to monitor set events for the opportunity to use the trail, and there is also a case to be made to occasionally share the trail if the clubs are prepared to repair damage caused by their use at specific dates and given that public announcements would be broadcast well in advance to help alley and fears other users might have about bumping into hundreds of ATV/UTV units coming their way along the trail. For a horse, such a meeting would be quite overwhelming and for a carriage horse in harness, could cause sincere upset if it was required to halt for the required lengthy period to allow the multitude of machines to pass.

Give the trail a look. It's well worth the effort to transport your horse there. It has shady aspects and some good places to pick up pace too. There are a few gates to navigate around that the mounted rider can easily access without obstacle. Driving a carriage? That is possible too. But call in advance to get the access to gates or else you'll be disappointed and likely a bit 'stuck' in the traces. The map details where the gates are placed.

A full article detailing the trail and its history may be covered by "The Merry Band at The Catskill Horse," magazine this summer. We have reached out to the trail management to see if they'd like to participate. But meantime the Catskill Scenic Trail website has a wealth of information for the visitor that addresses all the frequently asked questions. 

And please peeps, don't leave your litter behind and do other users of the trail the courtesy of standing your horse off on the side of the trail on the grass to pass manure.

All you should leave behind are hoofprints!



Saturday, March 16, 2024

Spring Checklist - Don't Forget To Spa Treat Your Barn

Spring is nearly here and with it comes a bevy of farm jobs that need to be completed before the season picks up pace.

Spring Time Is Horse Spa Time

As horse owners we all look forward to our equines' shed of winter coats and 'getting our groom on' to ensure our wee beasties are shiny and clean for the likely uptick in under saddle work. While our horses do their bit to groom each other, they do need out help!

Horses Do Need Help Shedding Winter Coats

Time to Tidy Up The Barn


But while tidying the barn, cleaning tack, grooming horses and preparing for the better riding weather is likely on the Spring check list, don't overlook the importance of giving your barn a Spring makeover and clean up too.

While washing down the stalls and doing a deep clean may be a few months away for those of us that enjoy the cooler North-East climate - this is a perfect time for removing dust and cobwebs (especially off light fixtures), cleaning down windows, repairing window screens for the busy bug season that is coming and making a few fence repairs.

A key area of the barn spa treatment that is often overlooked is the hay storage area. Loose hay will form a carpet in the hay storage area, and cleaning it out is a necessity if you don't want to contaminate the new hay crop when it becomes available. As your hay stock supplies are likely rapidly diminishing, the Spring is a great time to do a thorough clean out. 

Tidy Up All Areas of the Barn

Sure, you may have diligently raked and brushed out the space during the winter months as the haystack receded, but it is also important to go deeper. If you use tarpaulins or pallets, they need to be removed. Underneath you will likely discover evidence of rodent life. You may find a layer of mold infused moisture and composting hay that has made its way through crevices to the bottom layer. 

Once raked and cleaned, the floor beneath may have patches of dampness that will benefit from being left a few days to thoroughly dry out. A concrete floor can be vacuumed with a Shop Vac. It is always better to use a vacuum rather than broom sweep and brush dust and detritus about, for obvious reasons.

Lime can be added to dirt floor areas to soak up any odors and freshen the ground, before placing tarpaulins or pallets back. Before replacing tarpaulins wash them off and set them to dry outside in the sun to help remove any toxins from their surface. When tarpaulins are laid out flat on the ground remember to secure them to prevent a strong wind sending them airborne.

A clean hay stall or storage area is essential if you don't want to contaminate good hay. Hay is increasingly expensive, and buying good quality hay is important but so is keeping it that way.

If you store your hay supply in a large building, similar tidying up and cleaning out is necessary. 

Clean Up Time!

If you home produce hay then you have hopefully already cleaned and serviced all the equipment and brushed out the hay wagons ready for use before the winter arrived. 

Cleaning out hay wagons after each use will help them last longer!

Hay harvesting weather will be here before we know it, and getting ahead of the preparations is better done now rather than leaving everything to the last minute.

Hay Harvesting Time Will Soon Be Here


And don't forget to clean up the pasture too. Hay left sitting around hay feeders, left loose on the ground will soon become a mire of manure and mud which you will find yourself cleaning up off your horses.


What They Don't Eat Needs Cleaning Up

A clean and tidy pasture is all part of horse management. And when the proper Spring riding weather arrives you'll be all set to get out and ride rather than cleaning the barn.

And when it comes to restock your hay, you know you won't be wasting your new hay supplies before you even get started by having them contaminated with last year's hay.

A pasture at Willowview Hill Farm, Stamford, NY

And don't forget that buying your hay supply early in the year, especially off the wagons is a great way to save money. When supply is plentiful prices will be lower and you will also have a better choice of hay from which to select.



Thursday, February 1, 2024

When To Quit Your Horse Business

According to the recent report from the American Horse Council the horse industry is alive and kicking. And not only does the horse industry continue to grow and develop, it's economic impact on other sectors are a whopping $122 billion. This total added value in 2023 shows a massive increase from the 2017 total of $122 billion. 


The same recently released report (which you can find here), also stated that there was a slight reduction in the horse population from the $7.2 million recorded in 2017 to $6.6 million in 2023. Are horse breeders stepping down and out of the industry? Or are imports of horse numbers down? Or are horse breeders simply breeding less horses but remaining in business?

The variety of active horse business types is extensive. An industry that has the bandwidth across tourism, agriculture, land conservation, construction, medical and other concerns naturally has huge impacts on regional economies. 

The relationship between horse ownership and class distinctions of elite societies has not dwindled over time, but the grass roots horse aficionado population continues to develop as folks discover the incomparable emotional/health benefits that horse ownership brings to their lifestyles. 

Ardent horse lovers that have either made their professional life one of working with horses or have operated a horse farm as a hobby or side hustle, often have a difficult time letting go of their passion for operating a horse business. Even when the writing is clearly on the stable wall that that time has arrived.


In Catskill Horse magazine's recent article, "How To Find The Energy To Stick With Horses As You Age Up," the topic of aging out of horses is discussed in regard to the amateur owner. But what about the horse professional? 

Following a recent discussion I enjoyed with a fellow horse breeder who had sold up her farm after 30 years in the industry and moved State, bringing with her a herd of horses that included young horses, mares and foals and stallions, it struck me that letting go of the horse owning and the horse breeding habit is certainly not easy for many of us to do. In fact, letting go of operating any horse business is hard to do.

Gambol's Georgy Girl - Our 2nd generation homebred mare was the last to go and was sold in Feb 2020.


Certainly as a now retired from horse breeding professional, I continue to love owning young horses and developing them (hence my chat with the lady above while on the hunt for another horse to add to our private yard). 

It was hard to sell off our homebred 2nd and 3rd generation mares and to let go of the annual routine that was such a big part of our lives. Stallion collections and selection of suitable sires from outside our yard, AI process and protocols, prepping mares and stalls for foaling out, and of course working with the progeny through their lives until sale or in some cases, until they reached their potential as Grand Prix horses.

Our last homebred foal - WVH Extravaganza


BUT, I am glad that we did fold out of the horse breeding business. Once the pandemic finally allowed us back to the world of giving horse clinics and travel was back on the table, life has definitely been a lot less stressful on the horsey homefront. 

There are now no worries about how the pregnant mares are faring; no need for the arduous process of taking down of partition walls for foaling stalls; no nighttime foal watches; no newborns to pander over etc. 

It is especially less stressful when we need to travel having less concern over horse care at home while you are gone. Handling and caring for breeding stock is not for the inexperienced horse person and finding good help is always difficult. It has also given me the freedom to spend more time abroad with family, and to lend a hand to facilitate my 90 year old Mom fulfilling her dreams of trips and travel.

Our private yard is empty of any mares at all, and boys are the focus. Which is where we began our horse ownership all those years ago. 

Me with our WVH Extravaganza, our 3rd generation homebred - Lusitano/DWB - he's all grown up!

Of course I miss the excitement of waiting for the Spring crop of foals to hit the ground, and hanging out with my mares enjoying some Mom to Mom time. But there are always good reasons to hang onto a lifestyle, and always good reasons to let it go.

For the lady I mentioned above, it sounded as though her regrets at selling her horse farm were well-founded. She is now renting space, dealing with the usual bevy of upsets that can come with keeping horses away from home. The livery options available to her are limited by both her location and the fact the horses she owns include stallions and foals etc. 

As one of many horse businesses you can operate, horse breeding in particular is something very hard to do competently without a good home base.

Lots of time spent in Portugal - Here in the Algarve


Travel back and forth across the pond, to both Europe and the United Kingdom has certainly picked up pace for me. And I am enjoying it. Trips to Spain and Portugal, Italy coming up again soon, and dear old Blighty - are lots of fun. 

Trips are always a mix of work giving dressage clinics, taking some dressage lessons with master riders and trainers in the sport where possible, visits with PR/Marketing clients and completion of writing assignments, and where possible, family time.

Enjoying the 'High Life' with British Airways

Travel is not all fun though. Flight cancellations, a lot of as I call it, 'Hurry up and wait' time. It is tiring. I am always happy to be home and back to our private yard of horses and to my own bed. 

If you are a horse business owner, consider all your options this year and decide how you truly want to move forward for yourself. It is a leap year after all, perhaps this is the year to take that leap of faith and change up what you are doing in with your life.






Sunday, December 24, 2023

Happy Christmas and 2024 - News and Views - A Note from your Editor

It's been a stellar year here at Catskill Horse magazine and it is thanks to many folks chipping in, contributing and supporting the core efforts of The Merry Band at The Catskill Horse. We thank each and every one of you!

It's been a great 11 years thus far, and we have a wealth of new plans for 2024 thanks to all the feedback everyone kindly gave to our recent survey.



The continuation of the publication in a new format along with keeping the magazine free from a paid subscription model is planned, and work has already begun with our IT volunteer and publisher Paul Alvin-Smith taking the reins on the graphic design and layout. There will be a subscription option added where users will be invited to join the 'official' readership list , but no pay wall will be instigated.

Readers can expect a more user-friendly experience, matched with video driven content, great copy with plenty of training advice for horse folks and more travel inspired adventures. Several new writers have joined The Merry Band and a new diversity to content will be the result. In addition to the mainstay equestrian focus, new spin-off columns and media platforms on rural lifestyle, including hunting and hunting guide coverage to both field and stream; homestead advice and insights with rural property development advice for farm, agritourism, garden and sustainable living including off-grid living, log homes and small houses; plus livestock and pet corner are also in the works. 

Advertisers continue to report great metrics on their analytics that showcase the value of the organic SEO boost from the .org status of Catskill Horse and the high number of repeat viewers that are loyal to the brand, with good sharing across the social media platforms reaching an ever increasing number of readers. The demographic audience is trending lower in age, and the advent of the new magazine layout and update will doubtless help develop this trend further.

Micro-influencing through the various PR routes and distribution media channels offer a myriad of opportunities to snag new viewership. The micro-influencer channels are not huge but importantly are very well targeted and thus productive. It is expected that the reach of the magazine will continue its upward spiral as new social media platforms will be announced in early summer. New partnerships will be announced in particular with professional film production on video routes.

Social teaming will also be available to select advertisers with differentiated markets honored to ensure no conflict between brands. The advice of noted mentors, including Barbara Corcoran, has been brought front and center through liaison with certain loyal magazine readers who worked directly under her tutoring and have kindly gifted their access and expertise. This is an aspect we are very excited to be bringing to the table, as we expect the returns to be significant.

Our free help to 501(c)3 registered charities will continue and be further developed as we continue Catskill Horse mission to make the world a better place for all to enjoy.

The aim of the magazine is as always, to bring a super, fun, and useful resource to as many horse trainers/owners, country lifestyle loving folks and cookery and travel aficionados as possible. The magazine continues to expand well beyond the North-East U.S.A., in parallel with the breadth of interests readership has reported. We will continue to add staff to the writing team to broaden the expertise across these topics to meet the demand.

There is also a likely mid-July launch of an exciting rebrand of a specialist canine/pet publication, pending some ongoing negotiations for an acquisition of an existing well-respected publication. We will keep you posted!

So that's the update for now. Please stay tuned for additional news!

Happy 2024! 


Your Editor,

Nikki Alvin-Smith

Nikki Alvin-Smith

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Clinic Season Popping - The Joy Of Giving Horse Clinics Abroad

Travel is always both fun and difficult for a horse owner. The benefits of being able to get 'off the farm' for a respite from the daily work is welcome but the convoluted world of air travel can make the idea of taking off for different climes and countries a stressful affair.

But once I am safely seated in my international airline seat, I know there is nothing to be done but kick back and enjoy the ride. A bit like when you finally enter at A during a dressage test as an experienced competitor. It's time to put the nerves away and just get on and enjoy the fruits of your labor.  


Once you have safely landed the next major happy moment is seeing your luggage come off the carousel. For every passenger seeing that their suitcases are present and intact is always a relief, but for a horse clinician or competitor, it is especially significant. Let's face it, replacing your custom tall dressage boots or perfectly fitted riding helmet on the fly would not be easy to do.


Arrival at an English-speaking company is always easier than one where you have limited (if any!) comprehension of the language. Visits to give clinics in Europe for hubbie and myself, have always been difficult where the audience is not all ex-pats that speak English or even the younger generation of EU riders who can manage to converse in English reasonably well. 

Portugal and Spain are notably harder to navigate than France or Germany, and Italy is definitely one where a translator is necessary at the clinic events. Technology options not withstanding, it is still an challenging task to get the message through at times. Though many laughs are often had along the way.

Horse keeping methods and horse barns are always interesting to observe during your travels. In Portugal horses in training are often stabled for much of the time, as grazing is very limited due to the lack of grass available. 

Meantime in Britain, where grass is plentiful, livery barns of all grades offer plenty of turn out. And of course my noted fellow countrymen, Charlotte Dujardin ( actually grew up in my hometown!) and Carl Hester, advocate the benefits of grazing for even their most elite equine superstars.


Even at the most prestigious world renowned dressage masters' private yards, care is sometimes more rudimentary than you might expect.       

Horses in the U.K. are most commonly pastured most of the time.


One of the superstars at a clinic event we gave in the Lake District, UK. No fancy stabling but a beautifully fit horse and well-kept.

Not just the horse housekeeping but also the horse training and workout methods are also different globally. Pounding horses around the indoor day in day out is frowned upon most everywhere. 

In many countries getting the horses out on the road, exposed to everything that is there at an early age, helps set them up for success when it comes to the busy world of showgrounds and competition. And of course, linking up from bridleway to bridleway is a great way to enjoy trails elsewhere.

Safety first when on the road is a must. Boots and jackets for everyone.

Riding through the villages is great fun.


There is always a lot of driving involved when giving clinics abroad. It is important to be a good map reader, because navigation systems only go so far. It pays dividends to take a good co-pilot along with you. It makes things much easier. 


And of course, when you're not pouring over maps and devices to find your way, there will be beautiful scenery to enjoy. And random food stops!

Lake District - Windemere

Tavira, Portugal Algarve Region



Converted dairy barn in farm county.

Random spots for a coffee stop, including renovated stables!

And don't forget the foodie fun. Exploring different cuisines is all part of the adventure. But I do carry some SNZ antibiotics, charcoal tabs/psyllium tabs/ Immodium and Gavescon with me just in case needed! Don't want too much adventure, and feeling poorly when you've got to stand in the center of an arena giving instruction for 8 or 9 hours a day is no fun.


Don't forget to try the local wine

Living dangerously with cured meats - but delicious fare is worth the risk (pick a clean/good quality restaurant though!)

Don't forget to take time out to relax. Especially after all that driving and standing/walking/riding about...

Nikki at the Estrela Pousada, Serra da Estrela. highest point on mainland Portugal.

In all, getting yourself out of your own 'training' rut and out and about, shopping/competing or giving clinics is always good for the mind and soul. 

Don't be shy to expand your horizons, the rewards are well worth the expense and effort. And meeting fellow equestrians from different backgrounds and countries is always a treat!


Paul and Nikki Alvin-Smith, The Algarve, Portugal.